We offer professional installations in Canada,
the United States and Mexico, backed by extensive training and knowledge in the maintenance field.
Our experience background includes:
over 46 years in general maintenance,
over 36 years in electronics repair,
over 31 years in industrial electricity.
over 38 years of computer programming,
over 19 years of Safety Engineering
and Safety Consultation !
Our Company is equipped for installing various
types of safety components, including light guards,
light curtains, safety mats, safety cameras,
hard guarding, safety foot pedals, safety laser units,
and much, much more ....
Do you need machine evaulations on SAFETY ?
We do recordable stop-time testing on press brakes !
We also install or replace machine control systems !
As of Jan. 2020, we are introducing the new
DSP Laser
as our newest member of safeguarding applications !
This unique DSP Laser safety system can be installed on electric, hydraulic and hydro/electric ( Hybrid ) press brakes which meet the qualifications of close and personal safety devices !
( Some Hydro-Mechanical press-brakes may qualify )
Make your workplace
a more safe and productive one!